# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (svi)

Nula Plus

(2016) Ubrzanje i sikira
01. Break
02. Mashta
03. Scyscraper
04. Vrtim se u krug
05. Deda mraz
07. Billy bad ass
08. Kanada
09. Simplicity
10. I hate you

01. Break

Fire walk with me
I'm a newborn child
Dancing with the devil
In the pale moonlight

Fire walk with me
Fire walk with me
I'm high
I just live for something
still standing on frontline

Say no more
Pray no more
Prepare to die
You going to war

Hate to strong x2
Choose break

Fire walk with me
I'm a newborn child
Dancing with the devil
In the pale moonlight

Fire walk with me
Fire walk with me
I'm high
I just live for something
Still standing on frontline

Say no more
Pray no more
Prepare to die
You going to war

Hate to strong x2
Choose break

Can't forget
Your're regret
You cool fake
Choose break

Can't forget
My regret
My cool fake
Choose my break

02. Mashta

Zamisli letis, nikad ne sleces
zamisli silu sam se pokreces
da siris ljubav, radost, poruku
zamisli da
nemoras da zamisljas

zamisli sebe u ogledalu
slucajno bice slicno majmunu
sto siri haos,strah i
zamisli da nemoras da zamisljas

pa sta, masta radi svasta x4

zamisli sebe u ogledalu
slucajno bice slicno majmunu
sto siri haos, strah i
zamisli da nemoras da zamisljas

zamisli letis,nikad ne sleces
zamisli silu sam se pokreces
da siris ljubav, radost, poruku
zamisli da
nemoras da zamisljas

pa sta, masta radi svasta x4

03. Scyscraper

What if i gonna say to you
how it feels to be loved
what if i gonna say to you
how it feels to be crouled
what if i gonna say to you
how it feels to be scared
what if i gonna say to you
waiting your own dead

you're the only who cares about me
my compadre my only friend
we are walking across the oceans
over forests of blackened trees

what if i gonna say to you
how it feels to be loved
what if i gonna say to you
how it feels to be crouled
what if i gonna say to you
how it feels to be scared
what if i gonna say to you
waiting your own dead

you're the only who cares about me
my compadre my only friend
we are walking across the oceans
over forests of blackened trees

skyscraper,cold as ice
two lost souls
concrete,you and i

broken pride
same old fuckin' fear

04. Vrtim se u krug

Bio vidio,osjetio probao
profulao pistu
nisam imao kud

izgubio,ponesto i dobio
obicno kad sam
pravio se lud

vrijedilo je,mozda i nije
jebena je porota
kakav li je onda sud

probacu da stignem vrijeme
koje sam
potrosio uzalud

vrtim se u krug x2

05. Deda mraz

Deda mraz
doso mi u san
hoce puno para da mi da
deda mraze
hocu album ja
samo zato treba mi para

snovi prevara x2

07. Billy bad ass

Why i hate
we have become the truth
i cannot live
the way they want

becouse i'm alone
i seen so many things
that seemed so unreal
made the real world

they want me dead x4

i'm wright i'm shot down
my blood is cold fire
i'm wright i'm shot down
i shot in croosfire

i'm wright i'm shot down
my blood is cold fire
so you want to be,what you cannot be
you can never be,what you want to be

they want me dead
king of the kill
in the devils bed

08. Kanada

Kad ja podjoh u kanadu da zaradim para
ostavio kod kuce zenu gospodara

kad ja dodjoh kucici i otvorih vrata
puna kuca djecice ja him nisam tata

djeca iscu hljeba,nejmam da him dam
daj mi zeno violinu da him zasviram

zena nosi violinu ja pocinjem svirat
hajde zeno i ti igraj nemoj me sjekirat

09. Simplicity

Trpaj ga guraj
trpaj ga guraj guraj
trpaj ga guraj
trpaj ga sad x2

10. I hate you

Sta ja radim ovde
cemu da se nadam
meni tu nije mjesto
ja ovde ne pripadam

dosta mi je tvoje
suplje price,obecanja
dosta mi je svega
dosta mi je tvojih sranja

kad mi te ponekad spomenu
pred ocima mi odmah mrak
bio si mi nekad bitan
bio si mi nekad jako drag

slomice ti neko zube
pomjeriti bubrege
ni okrenut'necu se
slomice ti neko zube
pomjeriti bubrege
hitna ti ne gine

mrzim,te mrzim,te mrzim
i hate you